Posted by: conservativecritic | July 23, 2015

If you think Neville Chamberlin’s deal with Hitler was a diplomatic blunder, here’s what Obama and Kerry have agreed to do with Iran…

Iran is a radical fundamentalist government that hates America, hates Israel, and defends our worst enemies. We can’t trust them. This deal was a mistake from the minute we sat down at the negotiating table and I’m asking patriotic Americans to express outrage and aggressively fight against this deal.

Here are 6 things you need to know about the Iran deal right now:

1. The United Nations, European Union, and the United States “will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program, including steps on access in areas of trade, technology, finance and energy.” Banking restrictions on Iran will end and trade will resume giving Iran a cash windfall it can use to fund its illicit activities, including funding of terrorism.

2. The international arms embargo on Iran will be phased out. This includes end points to sanctions on Iran buying and selling conventional weapons and deadly ballistic missile technology.

3. The deal rewards Iran with benefits no other state would gain under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

4. Iran has agreed to nuclear inspections – but certainly not ‘anywhere and anytime’. Military sites are not included in the deal in any real way and many sites will remain hidden to inspectors. Furthermore, Iran has up to 3 weeks to approve inspections at facilities not on a pre-approved list.

5. If Iran cheats, the United States and EU must engage in dispute resolution rather than re-implementing sanctions.

6. Patriotic Americans everywhere need to oppose this rotten deal that Iranians preemptively celebrated by chanting “Death to America, death to Israel” in the streets of Tehran.

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